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The Baby Room
Welcoming babies from 3 months - 24 months of age.

In the Cherubs Montessori Baby Unit, each baby is nurtured and encouraged with an ever-changing choice of multi-sensorial toys, craft activities and constant caring attention.
The key persons are careful to change the environments to suit the needs of every baby as they grown and learn. Babies love snoozing in relaxing sleep rooms with soft music and lighting and individual cots and they even have their very own dedicated garden area.
Baby room

Welcoming children from 2 years to 3 years of age.
Providing security, comfort, and a wonderful range of learning materials for children. Children can choose between creative messy play, role play, puppetry and drama, music, sciences, language and maths activities.
We have even built their own outdoor messy play, gardening and den making area! Through these fun learning opportunities, we enable each child’s confidence in their social skills and unique abilities to grow, motivating an eagerness to dive into the more advanced Montessori ‘learning through play’ world around the age of three.


The Montessori Room
Welcoming children between 2 years of age to school age.

This renowned world-wide specialist approach designed by Dr Maria Montessori in the 1930s encourages each child to learn through gently guided self-teaching experiences, enhancing their natural curiosity and awareness of the world around them. Children progress through structured and spontaneous activities with caring guidance from both adults and children.
This philosophy and specialist materials ensure that each child learns at their own natural pace according to their learning strengths, gaining self-esteem, independence, and confidence in their own ability. The materials are didactic and multi-sensorial, side-stepping many difficulties children may have in learning through traditional methods, making learning fun.

Welcoming children from 3 years of age to school age.
The Preschool Room is a vibrant home to all indoor messy play learning activities. Older Cherubs enjoy a fascinating range of activities with wonderful, purpose-made materials they can choose from.
The Craft Room is decorated by the children themselves and children grow seedlings, learn about the properties and uses of water, sand, clay, paint, wood working, and cooking! The computer is used for photo editing and using programmes to support current projects.

Garden & Forest School
Cherubs has three lovely, themed gardens to encourage children's exploration of all things nature has to offer.

The specially designed dedicated Baby Garden and Sensory Garden are at the front of the House and our lovely large garden at the back of the House has been created with a safety play area, climbing frame and all-weather, multi-textured surfaces.
Mature trees and flowerbeds, a wet and messy play area, muddy digger patch, sandpit, Wendy house, tent, tunnels, slides, percussion, and construction areas all provide plenty of gardening, creative and physical play opportunities!
Garden And Forest School
Garden Area

Forest School

Sensory Room
Providing children with a quiet purpose-built sensory experience in a purpose built area.
A calming tranquil environment with lights and sounds. This space is designed to provide a sensory experience for people with various abilities. The sensory room provides a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of nursery life. It is a low stress and fun environment which offers one-one time to enable children to work on reaching their full potential.


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